Kustom Magic Design Fabrication - Restoration Work
"What Was Once Old Is New Again"
Posted in Uncategorized on July 30, 2010 by hocuspoc
Back in April when I attended the Magic Castle Swap Meet, I had the opportunity to purchase a Zig-Zag illusion that once belonged to Mark and Nani Wilson. Before I made the commitment to buy, I sent them a picture for them to confirm and indeed it was one of several they had made by John Gaughan. After confirmation, I contacted the seller and made arrangements to have the Zig-Zag delivered. Since its original debut in Mark and Nani’s shows around the world, it ended up being part of a theme park magic show that Mark had developed. Unfortunately, the geometric girl on the front didn’t work for the park theme, so it was repainted by their art department with a strong man character.
Read full story on the HocusPocus website
The original Mark and Nani Wilson Zig-Zag was commissioned by Paul Gross at Hocus-Pocus.com and ended up being a work of art thanks to our incredible work and restoration.